Hvac Overhaul at Olin Hall, Vanderbilt

Project: Vanderbilt University, Olin Hall School of Engineering Building Renovation
Location: Nashville, TN
Timeline: Tight

About Olin Hall

This nine-story building houses, research and teaching labs, classrooms, and offices. This school at Vanderbilt is primarily dedicated to chemical and bio-molecular engineering, as well as (our specialty) mechanical engineering!

We were proud to be a part of Olin Hall’s 2011 renovation on this mid 70s, 51,500 sq ft. building. And thanks in part to the renovation efforts, Olin Hall has modernized classrooms and facilities to enhance the experience for its undergraduate and graduate students to get top-notch education.

Read More: Griffin Mechanical’s Tenant Jobs

Full HVAC Redesign by Griffin Mechanical

Griffin redesigned the Olin Hall HVAC system from the ground up, then went to work. We demolished and installed over fifty variable air volume (VAV) boxes, complete with medium pressure ductwork, and air distribution. This was the perfect set up for Olin Hall School of Engineering.

Plumbing Overhaul

We installed thirty water-coolers, along with water filtration, and copper piping lines.

This plumbing renovation was done in a very tight timeline during peak summer hours, so time was of the essence!

Griffin made sure the summer students and faculty could stay cool during the hot summer months. Thanks Vanderbilt!
